Photoluminescence pigment (LTI Corporation)

The α-Vega Series is a group of strontium aluminate based powder pigments that were developed and patented by LTI.
Unlike conventional pigments, α-Vega will continue to glow even when completely submerged in water. In addition to being completely water resistance, α-Vega has also increased the light emitting ability relative to conventional pigments.


  • Patented water resistance Pigment (PATENT NO. 5967787)
  • The highest luminosity in the industry. (JIS Z9107 JD, DIN 67510 Class E)
  • Long afterglow: Glow for more than 12 hours.
  • Outdoor use: α-Vega is weather and water resistance.
  • Excitation Wavelength: 200-480 nm
  • Absorb LED light energy

Water resistance test(1 year after)